O2O Cleaning

How to clean your Rangehood: Step by step


An indispensable player in your culinary endeavours, the rangehood battles smoke, steam, and lingering odours, keeping your kitchen fresh and aiding in maintaining a healthy cooking environment. But like any working appliance, your rangehood accumulates grease and dirt over time, which can hamper its performance and even make it a fire hazard. Thus, it becomes crucial to give your rangehood the cleaning attention it deserves to uphold its lifespan and keep it functioning .

Before you delve deeper into this guide, you might want to weigh the pros and cons of a do-it-yourself approach versus hiring professionals for a more comprehensive cleaning. Check out our blog on

[Professional vs. DIY Bond Cleaning Pros and Cons] for an informed decision.

Are you moving out soon? Familiarize yourself with our [Moving? Ensure a Fresh Start with Move Out Cleaning!] to ensure you leave your former home spotless!

The Cleaning Arsenal: Tools and Supplies

To give your rangehood a clean sweep, gather this cleaning artillery:

 Warm soapy water or a mild degreaser

warm soapy water

 Microfiber cloths or sponges

 Scrub brush or old toothbrush

old toothbrust

 Baking soda

baking soda

 Safety gear (gloves and goggles)



 Pre-Cleaning: Power Off and Inspection

Before you gear up for the cleaning mission, switch off your range hood.

This initial step ensures safety while you inspect for damage or wear and tear signs. Look into the filters,vents, and external surfaces to identify areas with stubborn grease or dirt buildup.


 Ready, Set, Prep!

As with any deep cleaning task, preparing your kitchen for the rangehood cleaning can prevent any residual mess. Cover your countertops and floors with newspapers or cloth to catch any drips or spills and ensure a hassle-free cleanup process.

 Cleaning Act One: External Surfaces

It’s showtime! Kickstart your cleaning process with the exterior surfaces of your rangehood. Dampen a microfiber cloth or sponge in warm soapy water or a mild degreaser, and wipe down the appliance. Pay extra attention to greasy spots or areas with visible dirt.

For unyielding stains or grease buildup, banking on baking soda can work wonders. Sprinkle some on a damp cloth, scrub the troubled spots in circular motions, rinse, and pat dry. Refrain from using harsh scrub brushes or abrasive cleaners that might damage the surface.

 Cleaning Act Two: Filters

Your rangehood’s filters are key players in trapping grease and preventing it from cycling back into your kitchen. But, over time, they may fall victim to clogging, rendering them less efficient. If your rangehood

has removable filters, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to unfasten them. Soak them in warm soapy

water for about 15 minutes to loosen any dirt or grease. Use a scrub brush or toothbrush for a more

detailed cleaning, rinse , and let them air dry before reattaching them.

In case your rangehood features permanent filters, consult the manual for specific cleaning instructions.

 Cleaning Act Three: Rangehood’s Interior

The inside of your rangehood, much like the exterior, is prone to grease and dirt accumulation. Start by removing any loose debris with a soft brush or cloth. Next, immerse a microfiber cloth or sponge in warm soapy water and clean the interior surfaces – don’t forget the sides, back, and bottom! For hard-to-reach spots, a toothbrush or a scrub brush will do the trick.

Final Act: Vent Cleaning

The vent plays a vital role in directing smoke and smells away from your kitchen, and keeping it clean ensures optimal airflow. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clear any dust or debris from the vent. A long-handled brush can help you reach further into the vent and dislodge stubborn dirt. Finish off by wiping the vent with a damp cloth to remove any leftover residue.

Post-Cleaning: Tips and Maintenance

Cleaning your rangehood is not a process you would perform every day. But, incorporating some daily routine cleaning tasks can make the deep cleaning process less cumbersome when you have to do it, which is every 2-3 months based on your cooking frequency.

To keep your rangehood in top shape, remember to:

 Wipe the exterior surfaces with a damp cloth to remove visible grease or dirt. Once a month, inspect and clean the filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Before we conclude, here are some pro-cleaning tips from our experts:

 Stick to mild soapy water, mild degreasers, or specialized rangehood cleaning products and always steer clear of abrasive cleaners that can damage the appliance’s surface.

 Soak the filters overnight in warm soapy water before scrubbing when you are short on time.



1. Can I use chemical cleaners on my rangehood?

Yes, but remember to stick to mild degreasers or rangehood-specific cleaners and always follow the product instructions for safe usage.

2. When should I replace my rangehood filters?

If your cleaned filters still seem clogged, it might be time for a replacement. Consult your rangehood’s manual or contact the manufacturer for guidance on filter replacement.


3. Should I clean the rangehood myself or hire professionals?

While this guide provides a step-by-step approach to cleaning your rangehood yourself, if you lack time

or resources or prefer an expert’s touch, hiring professionals could be the ideal way to go. They can

ensure a detailed and efficient cleaning process.


A clean rangehood enhances the joy of cooking and keeps your kitchen environment fresh and healthy.

Following this guide will help you maintain it in top-notch condition and extend its lifespan. You might be interested in learning more about the costs involved in move out cleaning process in our blog [How Much Does Move Out Cleaning Cost in Melbourne]. Regular cleaning and careful maintenance will ensure your rangehood serves you for many years. Happy Cooking!


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